Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

UPCOMING KDRAMA 지고는 못살아 / Jigoneun Motsala / Can’t Live With Losing [REPLACING HEARTSTRINGS]

Title: 지고는 못살아 / Jigoneun Motsala / Can’t Live With Losing
Chinese Title: 死不服输
Also Know as: Can’t Lose
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2011-Aug-24 to 2011-Oct-13
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55


Eun Jae and Hyung Woo are both highly competent lawyers who met and fell in love at first sight without knowing each other’s occupations, but are now in the midst of their divorce proceedings. Their relationship was initially sweet and loving, but their marriage slowly began to crack under their constant fights.


Choi Ji Woo as Eun Jae
Yoon Sang Hyun as Hyung Woo
Sung Dong Il
Kim Jung Tae
Lee Soo Kyung
Park Won Sook
Kim Ja Ok
Jo Mi Ryung

Production Credits

Director: Lee Jae Dong
Screenwriter: Lee Sook Jin


Episode 01 - SUB01

Episode 02 - SUB02

Episode 03 - SUB03

Episode 04 - SUB04

Episode 05 - SUB05

Episode 06 - SUB06

Episode 07 - SUB07

Episode 08 - SUB08

Episode 09 - SUB09

Episode 10 - SUB010

Episode 11 - SUB011

Episode 12 -
Episode 13 -
Episode 14 -
Episode 15 -
Episode 16 -

CREDIT : koreandrama.org

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