Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

The Greatest Love Ends With a Twenty Million Won Wedding Dress!

Gong Hyo Jin’s wedding dress in MBC’s romance comedy “The Greatest Love,” has been receiving lots of attention since its last episode aired and it’s no wonder why. The dress is eye catching, with three dimensional details and sparkling jewels.

Rather than choosing a dress from local designers, the producers went for American label Christos. The “Arabella” dress cost twenty million won, almost $20, 000 USD!

The dress is made of silk, and features a sheer v-line neck, as well as floral and crystal detailing.

The three dimensional floral details over the skirt of the dress creates a romantic style, while a headband rather than the traditional veil allowed for a chic and modern feel.

“The Greatest Love” was on top in drama ratings, with “City Hunter” following close behind.

credit soompi

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