Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

free download Gye Baek

Title: Gye Baek 계백 / Gye Baek
Chinese Title : 階伯將軍
Genre: Historical, Period, Drama
Episodes: 32
Broadcast Network: MBC


Lee Seo Jin as General Gyebaek

- Lee Hyun Woo as teen Gye Baek
Jo Jae Hyun as King Euija
- Choi Won Hong as child Euija
- No Young Hak as teen Euija
Oh Yun Soo as Sa Taek Bi
Song Ji Hyo as Eun Go
- Jun Min Seo as child Eun Go
- Park Eun Bin as teen Eun Go
Hyo Min as Cho Young
- Han Bo Bae as teen Cho Young
Jun Noh Min as Sung Choong
Kim Yoo Suk as Heung Soo
Jin Tae Hyun as Gyo Ki
- Nam Da Reum as child Gyo Ki
- Seo Young Joo (서영주) as teen Gyo Ki
Choi Jae Hwan as King Mu
Jo Sang Ki as Nam Jo
Kim Hyun Sung as Moo Geun
Yoon Da Hoon as Dok Kye
Ahn Kil Kang as Kwi Woon
Jung Sung Mo as Yoon Choong
Im Hyun Sik as Jo Geum sunsaeng
Choi Jae Ho as Eui Jik
Kim Dong Hee as Eun Sang
Kim Jin Ho (김진호) as Wang Hyo Rin
Park Yoo Hwan as Chul Yeon
Go Yoon Hoo as Dae Soo
- Lee Poong Woon as teen Dae Soo
Jang Hee Woong as Yong Soo
Han Ji Woo as Yeon Tae Yeon
Lee Min Ho as teen Moon Geun
Cha In Pyo as Moo Jin (Gye Baek’s father, cameo)
Kim Byung Gi
Jung Han Hun


A story about the life of General Gyebaek of Baekje in the mid 7th century.

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