Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011


Full House 2 Leading Man is No Min Woo?
Full House 2 Leading Man is No Min Woo?

Full House 2 upcoming korean drama a sequel from the 2004 hit “Full House” hinted news of their possible leading actor. On the 17th of August, Korean actor No Minwoo was reported to be a likely candidate for a main role in the drama.

His management made a short statement saying, “We are currently talking about it but nothing has been confirmed yet”. Noh Min-woo-I is from the rock band called Trax and so far has been in dramas “Pasta”, “My Girlfriend is a Gumiho”, “Midas” and more, being more and more well known for his good looks and talent.

No Min Woo appeared in the dramas, “Pasta”, “My Girlfriend is a Gumiho”, and “Midas”, which have established his presence in the industry. Recently, he appeared in the horror movie ‘Gisaeng Ryung‘ alongside T-ara’s Hyomin.

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