Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Minggu, 06 November 2011

나도, 꽃 Na-do, Kkot / Me Too, Flower

Yoon Shi Yoon as Seo Jae Hee
Lee Ji Ah as Cha Bong Sun
Han Go Eun as Park Hwa Young
Seo Hyo Rim as Kim Dal
Jo Min Ki as Park Tae Hwa

Supporting Cast

Lee Ki Kwang as Jo Ma Roo
Im Ha Ryong as Bae Sang Uk
Kim Ji Sook as Kim Do Mi
Lee Byung Joon as Team leader Kim
Son Il Kwon as whimsical Manager Lee
Jung Man Shik as Kim Do Gyun
Baek Seung Hee as Lee Young Hee
Baek Seung Hwan (백승환)
Jo Sung Kyu
Heo Ga Yoon (허가윤)

Production Credits

Director: Go Dong Sun
Screenwriter: Kim Do Woo


Actor Kim Jae Won was originally cast as Seo Jae Hee. However, he was replaced by Yoon Shi Yoon due to the injured during the first day shooting on 4 October 2011.


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