Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

free download live action Ranma 1/2 with subtitle

Title: らんま1/2
Title (romaji): Ranma 1/2
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Drama
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 2011-Dec-09
Air time: Friday 19:00


Aragaki plays Akane, who is determined to protect the longevity of the Tendo dojo. However, one day her father Soun suddenly declares that the dojo’s successor must be male. This rules out Akane’s intended partner Ranma, who suffers from a curse that turns him into a girl whenever he is splashed with cold water. In order to remove the curse and inherit the dojo, Ranma seeks out a secret hot spring, but he encounters a mysterious enemy.

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