Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Episode 5 “49 Days” – ratings


Statistics released by ratings agency indicate that Episode 5 of “49 Days” broadcast on March 30 had a nationwide rating of 10.1%, a drop of 0.2% from the previous episode last week. Even though it manages to retain double digits, it is still ranked last of the Wed./Thu. dramas in the same time slot.

Ratings for MBC’s “Royal Family” is 14% and for KBS’s “Thorn Birds” is 10.5% for the same night.

The March 30 episode of “49 Days” shows Min-Ho (BSB) plotting to sell Ji-Hyun’s (NGR) land in order to pursue his ambitions. When she discovers this conspiracy, JH (in Yi-Kyung’s body) manages to retrieve her seal from her room.

Min-Ho makes up a story to tell Ji-Hyun’s father that when JH found out she gave MH her lipstick instead of her seal, she was on her way to give him the real thing when she met with the accident. MH insists everything he does is for JH. His series of lies betray his ambition.

Credit: Photo by ahiru of CarpeDiemJAPAN; www.innolife.com.http://jo-hyun-jae.com/

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