Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

a little attention pLease ^^

Most information here is taken from IDWS and kaskus =)

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Episode 6 “49 Days” – ratings

When Wed./Thu. dramas are sliding in the ratings generally, “49 Days” is bucking the trend and has risen to the No.2 spot in the same time slot.

According to statistics released by ratings agency on April 1, the March 31 episode of “49 Days” has a 10.6% rating nationwide, a rise of 0.5% from the previous episode (10.1%). With this, “49 Days” has broken its own record and ascended to the No.2 spot previously held by “Thorn Birds”.

Ratings for the other 2 dramas in the same time slot are: MBC’s “Royal Family” – 13.7% and KBS’s “Thorn Birds” – 9.6%.

In Episode 6 Han Kang sees more and more of Ji-Hyun in Yi-Kyung. HK who has been in great pain since JH’s accident is very surprised to see YK performing a magic trick to cheer up a child because this is the magic trick that JH showed him in high school. So he goes to the hospital to see JH again. On the other hand, he fires YK after seeing her coming to work in Min-Ho’s car.


Credit: http://www.innolife.com; www.johyunjae.hk. http://jo-hyun-jae.com/

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